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CIRTL Alumni LogoThe CIRTL Alumni Network is a learning community for former PhD students and postdoctoral scholars who participated in teaching development programs at CIRTL Network universities. The Alumni Network provides a platform for additional interactions and continuing professional development around teaching and learning for CIRTL Associates, Practitioners and Scholars who have left the universities where they trained and have gone on in their careers. Alumni are all aware of CIRTL’s three core ideas (the importance of Learning through Diversity, Teaching as Research, and Learning Communities), and most are in STEM and social science fields.

The principal activities are 1) interacting with CIRTL so that alumni perspectives and experiences can be incorporated into CIRTL activities, 2) informing alumni about CIRTL programs, which they can still participate in, and 3) holding professional development activities for alumni.

The CIRTL Alumni Network started in early 2019 as a project within an Improving Undergraduate STEM Education grant from NSF, Preparing Future Faculty to Improve STEM Education: Broadening the National Impact of the CIRTL Network (Grant No. 1726625).

Join the Alumni Network at CIRTLALUMNI.QUBESHUB.ORG

CIRTL Alumni Leadership Team
Nirav Patel
Leadership Group Chair
Rutgers University
Rachel Sturge
University of Toronto
Deborah Rook
Kale Hartmann
Membership Chair
Boston University
Anindya Roy
Communications Chair
MIT Open Learning
Deepika Das
Program Chair
Emory University