One of the initiatives of the CIRTL Network is the development of a diverse cross-Network Learning Community. The programming for this Learning Community is provided by the Network’s institutions and is intentionally diverse in format and content, and provides a diversity of both high- and low-engagement activities. Formats include, but are not limited to, semester-long graduate courses, Massive Open Online courses (MOOCs), short courses, several-hour interactive workshops, drop-in events, TAR presentations, and teaching institutes. While the content is broadly focused on undergraduate teaching and learning, and builds from the CIRTL core ideas, topics may extend to complementary professional development issues that foster the success of the future faculty careers.
Meeting Cross-Network Commitments
CIRTL member institutions provide the programming for the Cross-Network Learning Community (CNLC).
Each institution is expected to offer two In-Kind Network Contributions over a two-year period (an average of 1 per year) to the CNLC programming. The current two-year period is AY22-23 – AY23-24. New institutional members are not obligated to provide in-kind contributions in their first year of membership.
In-Kind Network Contributions
In-Kind Programming Network Contributions
Visit the How to Contribute to Cross-Network Programming page for full details and resources on the cross-Network proposal process and what it takes to teach one of our programs.
- Co-teaching or teaching a CIRTL course (1 or 1/2 In-Kind)
- Teaching a course with eight or more hours of contact time is 1 In-Kind Contribution. Teaching a course with fewer than 8 contact hours counts as 1/2 In-Kind Contribution.
- We encourage all courses to be team taught with a co-instructor from another Network institution. Co-instructors from different institutions each receive 1 In-Kind Network Contribution.
- A full course refers to an offering that is cohort-based, requires registration, comprises 12 or more contact hours, is generally about 12 weeks and may be eligible for credit through a student’s home institution. Shorter courses with fewer than 12 contact hours are also welcome. Short courses are cohort-based, require registration, but are not graded, and not eligible for credit through a student’s home institution.
- See course policies for more information.
- Co-teaching one of the CIRTL MOOCs (1 In-Kind)
- Running a teaching institute (1 In-Kind). These can be in-person or online and are generally during the summer. The program must serve at least 10 CIRTL participants and participants from at least three member institutions, including the host
- Organizing a drop-in event CIRTLCast weekly series involves organizing, and recruiting speakers, and moderating each session but not necessarily providing speakers from your institution (1/2 In-Kind).
- Teaching or co-teaching a workshop (1/2 In-Kind). Workshops generally meet for 2-4 hours over one or two sessions, are cohort based, involve pre-session and post-session work, and focus on development of a specific concrete outcome.
- Other activities as proposed
In-Kind Leadership Network Contributions
Contributions to the CIRTL Network that are not curricular but contribute to the management and functioning of the Network may also be considered In-Kind Network Contributions.
These contributions include:
- Serving as committee chair or member on a CIRTL Standing Committee
- including the Leadership Team, Cross-Network Operations Group, or Membership Operations Group
- Serving as chair of a major ad hoc working group
- Chairing or co-chairing a CIRTL Forum
- Hosting a CIRTL General Meeting (in-person)
Institutions may claim no more than 1 non-curricular In-Kind Network Contribution in a given period.
Newly conceived activities are welcome! In-Kind Network Contributions that don’t fit into the standard categories will be evaluated and approved by the Leadership Team or their designate. It is expected that new proposals involving curriculum will continue to be assigned to the Cross-Network Operations Group for evaluation and approval.
Tracking Contributions
CIRTL Central tracks In-Kind Network Contributions, updating our records in January, June and September with the upcoming semester’s contributions. Review our contribution tracking table for more details on your institutional contributions.
If you have any questions, please contact the CIRTL staff at