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CIRTL offers several options for sharing CIRTL Cross-Network events with your graduate students and postdocs.


Students may sign up to join our mailing list and receive our newsletters, sent weekly during the academic year and monthly during the summer. Our newsletters announce upcoming CIRTL Network courses, workshops, events and teaching institutes, as well as other professional development opportunities and job openings that might be relevant to grad students and postdocs in the CIRTL Network.

Social Media

Your local CIRTL community or your students can “Like” our Facebook page or “Follow” our Twitter account to see announcements and reminders about our courses, events, and Network news. Items are posted once or twice a week.

Calendar Subscription / Export

The CIRTL website offers a calendar view of all cross-Network events. “Subscribe to calendar” at the bottom of the page provides a number of options for subscribing or exporting the events to different calendar platforms (Google, iCalendar, Outlook). This is a great option if you have an existing programs calendar where you’d like to integrate CIRTL cross-Network events. You could also create a new calendar in the platform of your choice and subscribe to create a separate place for students to look for these specific opportunities.

RSS Feed

The WordPress plug-in CIRTL uses to organize its cross-Network events automatically creates an XML RSS feed. If your local CIRTL community has access to web development expertise on your campus, you may be able to create your own stylized event feed for integration with your website using the RSS feed, available at

Example of a styled RSS feed of events

RSS Feed w/ Styling Tool

If allowed by your university, there are low-cost tools that will take an XML RSS feed and turn it into a stylized feed that you can embed on your website. Most tools allow for at least basic customization of text and color, and will provide either <iframe> or javascript code that someone with basic web design or development experience can use to place the feed in a webpage. One example of this type of tool is FeedGrabbr, with pricing starting at $4/month. On the right is an example of what this type of tool-generated event feed could look like.


CIRTL will continue to explore other event feed options. If you find a solution that’s different from the above that works well for your local site, please let us know at so we can consider sharing out with other member institutions.