Posted: December 2016
With the growth of the CIRTL Network, there has been a growth in ideas for and submissions of proposals by CIRTL members for external funding in support of both local CIRTL learning communities and the CIRTL Network more broadly. In addition, proposals are being developed that would make use of, but not necessarily directly support, CIRTL resources and network features. This policy document seeks to promote such proposals while insuring awareness of their submissions, coordination where appropriate, and proper procedures with respect to commitment of the CIRTL Network or its members.
Principles and procedures
- Every partner of the CIRTL Network has the right to submit funding proposals without requesting approval from the CIRTL Network.
- As a courtesy to all partners, and as possible to avoid competing proposals, standard practice will be for the PI to inform the director of the CIRTL Network of the intent and the submission of an external funding proposal that leverages membership in the CIRTL Network. This notice would be a half-page description of the intent of the proposal, the CIRTL partners involved, the funding agency, and the submission deadline. This information should be provided at least two months in advance, if possible, and would be shared across the community.
- Submitted proposals may refer to the CIRTL Network as a possible means of dissemination without requesting approval from the CIRTL Network.
- Proposers may request a letter from the CIRTL Director in support of the proposal, for example expressing interest of the CIRTL Network in the outcomes. But no implied commitment of the CIRTL Network or its members to the work of the proposal will be made. The Director, with counsel from the Leadership Team as necessary, can do this on the Director’s authority.
- Submitted proposals may not otherwise make any commitment of CIRTL Network partners not associated with the proposal, of CIRTL Central, or of shared CIRTL Network resources not already publicly available without requesting approval from the CIRTL Network. Should a proposal with such commitments be submitted without the approvals below, neither CIRTL nor any of the CIRTL partners have any obligation to carry out the commitments in the proposal if it is funded.
- If commitment of the CIRTL Network as a whole is needed for a proposal, the PI will need to provide a half-page description of the intent of the proposal, the CIRTL partners involved, the funding agency, and the submission deadline to the CIRTL Leadership Team. In addition, the PI must submit a detailed description of the Network resources the proposal team would like to use to implement the proposed project. If only CIRTL Central resources are to be committed, the Leadership Team can decide on approval. If the resources of any CIRTL Network members are to be committed, outside of those on the proposal itself, those universities that are committed must approve