This fall CIRTL's online programming includes one course, a MOOC, five workshops, and an event series. Programming will be scheduled throughout July, and schedules will be posted on our website and announced in our newsletters as they are confirmed. Registration will open by mid August. Subscribe to our newsletter for programming updates. Questions about our programming? Contact us at Courses Courses have live, real-time…
Stephanie Knezz, Evava Pietri, and Donald Gillian-Daniel recently published an article in the Journal of Science Education and Technology discussing their co-developed "Equity in STEM for All Genders" course, offered through CIRTL in 2018-2020. The article discusses the persistence of gender bias in STEM fields and how interventions are aimed at mitigating bias and enacting change. It presents a graduate level, synchronous online…
CIRTL@ Stanford, launched in May 2021, aims to advance effective teaching practices as part of successful professional careers and focuses on graduate education. A new article describes the initial offerings of the program and its engagement of participants, as well as some early reflections from graduate students and postdocs on the value they've found in the program.