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This summer CIRTL is offering 2 courses, 2 teaching institutes, and 4 workshops for graduate students and postdocs pursuing teaching careers in STEM disciplines. Summer programming is topically focused around evidence-based teaching fundamentals and academic professional development.

We will announce programming schedules and registration dates by late April. Anyone can register to attend programming, but participants from CIRTL member institutions and alumni will receive priority when registering for programming with limited seats; capped programming typically reaches capacity within a week of registration opening.

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Evidence-based teaching fundamentals

First Year Faculty Teaching Academy

This intensive, 6-session, 3-week online course is designed for future faculty and early career faculty in their first years of teaching interested in learning how to create a great learning experience for your students while developing a solid foundation of best teaching practices and strategies. This course meets online in Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 4 through June 20 at 10am-12pm Atlantic / 9-11am Eastern / 8-10am Central / 7-9am Mountain / 6-8am Pacific. Cap: 65; at capacity and closed for registration as of Monday, May 20.

Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute (in person)

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute is a multi-day in-person teaching institute designed to help doctoral students and post-docs become successful and confident classroom teachers. The in-person version of this institute meets daily at the Johns Hopkins University campus in Baltimore, MD from Wednesday, May 29 through Friday, May 31. Daily sessions run from 8:15am to around 4pm Eastern Time. Cap: 10 CIRTL participants; at capacity and closed for registration.

Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute (online)

The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute is a multi-day online teaching institute designed to help doctoral students and post-docs become successful and confident classroom teachers. Daily sessions take place in Zoom from Monday, June 10 through Friday, June 14 at 10am-1:30pm Atlantic / 9am-12:30pm Eastern / 8-11:30am Central / 7-10:30am Mountain / 6-9:30am Pacific. Cap: 25 CIRTL participants; at capacity and closed for registration.

Moving Forward Together: The Interdependence of Instructor and Student Motivation

Explore trauma-informed strategies that motivate learning and teaching, and reflect on the interdependence of student and teacher well-being in this one-part online workshop. The workshop meets online in Zoom on Tuesday, June 11 at 1-5pm Atlantic / 12-4pm Eastern / 11am-3pm Central / 10am-2pm Mountain / 9am-1pm Pacific. No cap; register now.

Quick Take: How to Plan a Single Class Session

Get an overview of key lesson-planning topics – like backwards design, learning objectives, assessment, and more – in this one-part online workshop designed for grad students and postdocs who have had some teaching or TAing experience. This workshop meets online in Zoom on Thursday, June 27 at 1-2:30pm Atlantic / 12-1:30pm Eastern / 11am-12:30pm Central / 10-11:30am Mountain / 9-10:30am Pacific. Cap: 50; at capacity and closed for registration as of Thursday, June 6.

Academic professional development

Change Leadership for Inclusive Teaching and Learning

This intensive, 10-session, 5-week online course aims to strengthen undergraduate STEM education by preparing graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and early career-faculty to be change agents in their roles in higher education. This 10-session, 5-week course meets online on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 11 through July 18 at 3-4:30pm Atlantic / 2-3:30pm Eastern / 1-2:30pm Central / 12-1:30pm Mountain / 11am-12:30pm Pacific. There is no class the week of July 1. Cap: 40; closed for registration.

Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview

As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this one-session workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into your teaching demo with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. This one-session online workshop meets in Zoom on Wednesday, July 10 at 1-2:15pm Atlantic / 12-1:15pm Eastern / 11am-12:15pm Central / 10-11:15am Mountain / 9-10:15am Pacific. Cap: 50; closed for registration.

Navigating the Academic Hand-off: Graduate Students and Postdocs as Scientific Trainers

Passing down scientific knowledge is a common but often overlooked part of work for advanced graduate students and postdocs working with more junior student researchers. Explore the challenges of this part of your work in this one-part online workshop about identifying complex concepts and developing training procedures around them. This workshop meets online in Zoom on Wednesday, July 31 at 2-3:30pm Atlantic / 1-2:30pm Eastern / 12-1:30pm Central / 11am-12:30pm Mountain / 10-11:30am Pacific. Cap: 40; at capacity and closed for registration as of Tuesday, July 9.