Navigating the Academic Hand-off: Graduate Students and Postdocs as Scientific Trainers
Build your mentorship and technical communication skills by documenting your training goals and drafting reference resources in this one-part online workshop designed for advanced graduate students and postdocs who are responsible for training junior colleagues. Cap: 40; at capacity, registration closed July 9.
Preparing a Teaching Demo for a Job Interview
As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this one-session workshop, we’ll discuss ways to go into your teaching demo with preparedness, confidence, and adaptability. The session takes place in Zoom on Wednesday, July 10. At capacity and closed for registration.
Quick Take: How to Plan a Single Class Session
Get an overview of key lesson-planning topics – like backwards design, learning objectives, assessment, and more – in this one-part online workshop designed for grad students and postdocs who have had some teaching or TAing experience. At capacity; registration closed.
Moving Forward Together: The Interdependence of Instructor and Student Motivation
Explore trauma-informed strategies that motivate learning and teaching, and reflect on the interdependence of student and teacher well-being in this online workshop. The session takes place on Tuesday, June 11 on Zoom. Registration opens on Monday, May 20 and closes Tuesday, June 11. No cap.
Re-imagining data: Using arts-based methods for new perspectives in research, teaching and learning
Explore the creative potential of arts-based research (ABR) to view and understand research and teaching in a new way and from multiple perspectives in this two-part workshop.
Caring for Yourself as an Instructor: Applying Rest in the Classroom
Develop strategies for self-care and rest as an instructor in academia in this one-part workshop on February 8. Registration closed.
Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview
Learn about job interview teaching demonstrations and build your confidence and adaptability in this one-part workshop on Wednesday, January 31. At capacity & closed for registration.
Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning
Explore the basic principles of Universal Design for Learning and apply them to resources or practices you use in your own teaching in this two-part workshop on Thursday, December 7 and 14. Closed for registration.
Creating Accessible Teaching and Research Documents in STEM
Understand why document accessibility matters and explore the LaTeX software in this two-park workshop that combines accessibility fundamentals with technical training. The workshop meets on Friday, November 17 and December 1.
Supporting Neurodivergent Students
Learn about common forms of neurodiversity, the obstacles that neurodiverse students might encounter in academia, and teaching strategies to overcome those obstacles in this two-part workshop. Registration is closed.
Teaching with Transparency: Evidence-Based Approaches to Foster Student Motivation and Engagement
Learn how adding transparency into your teaching can strengthen active learning, assignments, and assessment in this one-part workshop on Thursday, November 2. Register starting August 14.
Fostering Student Belonging through Inclusive Language
Understand how language shapes student belonging, and explore resources and identify practices that center inclusive language in your teaching practice in this two-part workshop that meets on Wednesday, October 11 and 25. At capacity / closed for registration.