How CIRTL Has Impacted My Career: Careers Outside of Academia
Join us to hear CIRTL alumni reflect on how they came into careers outside of academia: what made them pursue this career path; its benefits, stressors, and rewards; and how […]
Putting it All Together: How do I Articulate and Implement a Career Development Plan?
In this event, participants will develop strategies and utilize resources for incorporating the concepts of the previous weeks into a cogent, actionable career development plan. This session is part of […]
CIRTL Network Teaching-as-Research Presentations
Hear graduate students and postdocs from across the CIRTL Network share the results of their Teaching-as-Research (TAR) projects in this online presentation session. TAR projects investigate questions about teaching and […]
Johns Hopkins University Teaching Institute (In Person)
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MDThe Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute is a multi-day teaching institute designed to help doctoral students and post-docs become successful and confident classroom teachers. Participants will explore the benefits of active […]
Change Leadership for Inclusive Teaching and Learning
Develop your own capacity to inspire and influence others, analyze your institution’s structure and become agents of change in this 10-week course on Thursdays from June 1 through August 3
Basics of Online Learning and Teaching
Learn about online course development through a mix of synchronous and asynchronous activities in this 10-week course on Mondays from June 5 through August 7.
Johns Hopkins University Teaching Institute (Online)
The Johns Hopkins Teaching Institute is a multi-day teaching institute designed to help doctoral students and post-docs become successful and confident classroom teachers. Participants will explore the benefits of active […]
First Year Faculty Teaching Academy
This online, intensive course is designed for future faculty and early career faculty in their first years of teaching. Over the course of 3 weeks, participants will meet twice weekly […]
Planning Your Teaching-as-Research Project
Jumpstart your plans for a Teaching-as-Research (TAR) project in this 6-week flipped course designed to guide participants through developing a research question, identifying project methods and outcomes, and more. Each […]
An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching
Learn about STEM teaching at your own pace through online video modules and discussion boards in this 8-week Massive Open Online Course starting June 19.
Using Teaching-as-Research to Advance Equitable Educational Experiences
Join us for a two-part workshop that explores how CIRTL's "teaching-as-research" framework can help you identify, assess, and improve upon equitable teaching approaches. Teaching-as-Research (or TAR) transforms curiosity about learning […]
Preparing Your Teaching Demo for a Job Interview
As part of the interview process for a faculty position in the U.S., you may be asked to lead a teaching demonstration. In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss ways to […]