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Consider joining the neuroscience teaching faculty team at UNC Chapel Hill!

We are seeking instructors with a specialty in neuroscience and demonstrated excellence in undergraduate education. We are particularly interested in individuals who are qualified to teach in the following areas: cellular and molecular neuroscience courses including introduction to neuroscience, a neuroscience laboratory course based undergraduate research experience (CURE) in the applicant’s area of expertise, and other key courses in the UNC neuroscience curriculum such as Learning and/or Sensation & Perception. This position would build upon the existing strengths in teaching and research of our faculty and highlight the technologically sophisticated nature of the field of neuroscience.

Please submit curriculum vitae/resume, cover letter, teaching philosophy and/or teaching portfolio, course evaluations, and any other supplemental documents. Please also submit email addresses for three (or four) individuals who will provide letters of reference to this electronic submission website. Reference letter writers will receive an email with instructions for submitting letters of recommendation to the recruitment system. Here is the position link:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will continue until the positions are filled.

We hope for a January 1st start date but can work with a July 1st start date.

For any questions, please contact

Link to Further Details About the Position