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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusive Teaching in the Community College Setting

Community colleges are truly diverse settings, attracting individuals from all different walks of life with a common interest in advancing their education. If you are interested in exploring a career at a community college, then understanding the diversity of their student populations is crucial. This panel consisting of faculty and administrators from various community colleges […]

Event Series Postdoc Teaching Practicum

Postdoc Teaching Practicum

Work with an experienced instructor in your discipline to enhance your understanding and experience of teaching a university course in this semester-long mentorship program designed for postdoctoral fellows. In this practicum, postdocs will observe mentors in their teaching, teach guest lectures and receive feedback on your teaching, discuss approaches to teaching with your mentors, and […]

Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning

We know the one-size-fits-all approach to learning design is not optimal. But how do we incorporate flexibility into teaching and learning while still maintaining rigorous learning? In this workshop, participants will learn the three principles that underpin Universal Design for Learning (UDL), a pedagogical framework backed by neuroscience that fosters motivated, resourceful, and strategic learners. […]

Event Series Finding Your Teaching Mentor

Finding Your Teaching Mentor

In this two-part workshop, participants will start making a teaching development plan. Their plans will take into account their current context as well as align with their personal and professional goals. In session one, participants will learn how to orient themselves in their teaching development pathway and make an inventory of their local teaching resources. […]

The Notion of Critical Race Theory (CRT) Should Not Be a Dirty Word in Higher Education: Unpacking Positionality in STEM Research and Teaching

Given our current divisive social and political climate, there is a current need for STEM educators and scholars to critical reflect on their own positionality, the impact of their work with STEM education, and how they perceive issues of justice within the scope of educational change. Critical ideologies associated with STEM research and teaching are […]

Supporting Neurodivergent Students

Want to better support your students with neurodiversity? In this workshop, we will review common forms of neurodiversity such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, and ADHD and identify obstacles faced by neurodivergent students in academia. You will be introduced to strategies and resources for supporting these students, and explore ways to implement these strategies through group […]

Event Series Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement

Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement

Draft a peer-reviewed statement that reflects your teaching beliefs and experiences in this interactive, two-part online workshop. Participants will work to draft and edit a teaching statement, which is often required for US academic job applications. We will discuss elements of teaching statements, evidence of effective teaching tailored for different academic jobs, and strategies to […]

An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching

An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching is a massive open, online course (MOOC) designed to provide graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and other aspiring faculty in STEM disciplines with an overview of effective college teaching strategies and the research that supports them. This course is also suitable for other interested university staff, faculty, and administrators. […]

Event Series The College Classroom

The College Classroom

Get an introduction to key learning principles and the basics of effective, evidence-based teaching practices in this course about teaching in the college classroom. This course will focus on developing inclusive, learner-centered approaches to teaching. Students will explore the interconnectedness of learning objectives, assessment, and learning activities through both discussion of course materials and developing […]

Event Series Planning Your Teaching-as-Research Project

Planning Your Teaching-as-Research Project

Jumpstart your plans for a Teaching-as-Research (TAR) project in this 6-week flipped course designed to guide participants through developing a research question, identifying project methods and outcomes, and more. Each week, students will watch videos, read articles, and complete assignments on their own time; in weekly sessions, students will refine their work with peer review, […]

CIRTL Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching

The CIRTL Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching designed specifically for grad students and postdocs new to teaching. In this five-day institute, you will develop a deep understanding of scientific teaching by examining relevant literature, working online in small peer groups facilitated by topical experts, and performing structured work independently. Throughout the week, you will design […]